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Contact Tracing February Half Term.

Dear Parents / Carers,


As school breaks up for February half term we all still have an important job to ensure that any contacts of a confirmed case are identified and given details of isolation.  This will help to keep the virus under control and protect family members and friends.


The school will continue to monitor our email and school mobile 07471314454 until 12 noon on Monday 15th FebruaryIf your child has been attending school we ask you to inform us up until 12 noon on Monday 15th February if your child:


  • develops Covid-19 symptoms (new persistent cough/high temperature/loss of taste or smell)
  • has taken a test and is waiting for results
  • has tested positive


Please do not delay in informing school


This will allow school to work with families to contact trace where necessary.


If your child develops symptoms or takes a test in which they are positive after 12 noon on Monday 15th February they do not need to inform school. 
