Our school is situated on Hedgefield Road, next to the church. It serves the Parishes of Our Lady of the Assumption and St. Cyril’s. The school was opened in September 2001, and is 1 form entry with a Nursery.
The Nursery accepts children in the term after their 3rd birthday. We offer 15 hours of free education, either ‘Beginning of the Week’ (Full day Monday, Full day Tuesday and Wednesday morning) OR ‘End of the Week’ (Wednesday afternoon, Full day Thursday and Full day Friday).
We now have a limited number of 30 hours funded places. To check eligibility please follow this link
To express your interest in a Nursery place please complete a form at the school office.
The school accepts children who are baptised Catholics in the September following their 4th birthday and children of other faiths where parents have expressed a preference for a Catholic school.
Admissions updates:
From St Julie’s…
This is just to inform you that Year 6 parents now have access to a new feature from the Admissions Banner on the front page of our school website www.stjulies.org.uk.
The new feature allows parents to submit their contact details so that a ‘ Virtual Admissions Appointment’ can be made with a member of the Leadership Team to ask any questions about life at St Julie’s or to ask about any individual concerns they might have about their daughter’s Transition to Secondary School. We look forward to welcoming your students next year here at St Julie’s.
…and SFX.
I would be grateful if you could please inform Year 6 parents that our 'virtual' open evening is now on our school website - https://sfx1842.org/sfx-year-6-video-prospectus/
(it is on the front page or go to Information; Admissions; Video Prospectus).