At our school and nursery we believe that the best investment we can make in a child’s life is a high-quality early years’ education. Children are powerful learners and this why our vision is to create opportunities that encourage our young children to explore, discover and dream and to thrive on the awe and wonder that the world offers.
We want to help each child to become a caring, confident and curious young person with a passion for learning and achieving and the independence to do so. We therefore ensure children have the opportunity for meaningful learning across the intended curriculum in ways which immerse them in their learning and achieve the highest outcomes for every individual.
In line with the aims of the new Early Years framework, our curriculum inspires in pupils, the ability to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. We encourage this through playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically. We enable our children to develop knowledge and skills that are transferable and which can be, and are, used to promote their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
We work hard to ensure that learning is built upon each half term, to give our children the opportunity to continually progress. This means that children need to have regular opportunities to explore, use and combine skills through a range of different tasks within a culture of a mix of different approaches; play, adult modelling, observation of one another and through guided learning and direct teaching. These activities allow them to explore whilst applying their knowledge at increasing levels of depth. In doing so, they are encouraged to develop an understanding of the characteristics of effective learning.
We believe that a high-quality early education is vital for all children but is especially important for those children from disadvantaged backgrounds if they are to achieve the very best outcomes to enable them to succeed in the next step of their journey in education. Staff believe in the importance of a child’s holistic development and work in partnership with parents to identify and support individual children’s needs and abilities sensitively.